Studio Pro v Studio Express

πŸ†š Comparing two awesome features to determine their differences and similarities.

This page is designed to provide insights into the distinct characteristics and advantages of Studio Pro and Studio Express. It will highlight the differences and commonalities between these two products, helping you decide which option best suits your requirements.

Below, you'll find a detailed overview of the contrasting features between these two products.

FeatureStudio ProStudio Express
Estimated render speed10 - 20 minutesIn a few seconds
ExpressionsAuto DrivenStyle Driven
API Accessβœ…βœ…
Head and ShouldersHead and ShouldersFull Frame
65+ Languagesβœ…βœ…
Available avatarsβœ…βœ…
Custom avatarsβœ…βœ…
Slides & Transitionsβœ…βŒ
Edit video resolutionβœ…βŒ
Edit video dimensionβœ…βŒ
Add custom voice supportβœ…βŒ
Add Textβœ…βŒ
Add Shapesβœ…βŒ
Add Shapesβœ…βŒ

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