Add a Video Layer

🎞️ Let's add a video layer to the scene!

For more information about overlay ordering, please refer to this page.

Our API allows you to include any videos you want in the video. The videos you intend to utilize must be registered as assets with a unique assetId.

To add a video layer to the scene, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the type of asset item you want to add.
  2. Enter the assetId of the video you insert into the scene. For example, we use the video below:
  1. Define the variables xPosition and yPosition to specify the position of the video asset in the scene.
  2. Define the asset item's height and width.
  3. Set the scale factor over the asset's shape.
  4. Specify length on how the video will be played. For example, "Loop". The video will play continuously until the end of the video.
  5. Specify the video's volume.



Set to "0.0" to mute the video, while valid values for volume are "0.0" to "1.0".



Don't forget to replace the placeholder "YOUR_API_KEY" with your unique API key in the header. If you haven't obtained one yet, please contact us at [email protected], and we will provide one as soon as possible.

The following is a request example of adding a video layer:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data @- <<EOF
     "slides": [
      		"overlays": [
          		"length": "Loop",
          		"type": "VideoOverlay",
          		"assetId": "e87e38db-1820-48a1-b7c8-a5fe493902ca",
          		"xPosition": 0,
          		"yPosition": 0,
          		"height": 1920,
          		"width": 1080,
          		"scale": "height",
          		"volume": 0,
          		"angle": 0
     "videoTitle": "My first video"

For details on the video asset fields, refer to the table below:

FieldsData TypeRequiredDescription
typestringYesThe type of asset overlay, for example, "AvatarOverlay", "ImageOverlay", "TextOverlay", "VideoOverlay", etc.
assetIdstringYesThe unique identifier of the asset.
xPositionnumberNoThe x-coordinate of the asset's insertion position.
yPositionnumberNoThe y-coordinate of the asset's insertion position.
heightnumberNoThe height of the video. If height is specified, the scale value will be ignored.
widthnumberNoThe width of the video. If width is specified, the scale value will be ignored.
scalenumberYesThe scale factor is applied over the asset's shape, i.e., height and width.
lengthstringNoOptions for how the video will be played. Valid values are "Loop," "Full", and "Speech".
volumedoubleNoThe volume of the video overlay.
angledoubleNoThe rotation angle is to be applied to the asset.

The following video will be generated along with the video layer you just specified.

✅Congratulations! You have successfully added a video layer to the video using our API!

📌 Need Help?

If you require assistance or encounter any issues, we recommend referring to our FAQ page first. If you are still unable to resolve your issue, please don't hesitate to contact us for further support.

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