JUMP TOWELCOMEHomepageQuickstartAuthenticationresourcesList of AvatarsList of VoicesList of Soundtracksstudio express videosOverviewRetrieve a list of Studio Express videosgetCreate a Studio Express video from text or audiopostRetrieve a Studio Express video by IDgetUpdate a Studio Express video by IDpatchDelete a Studio Express video by IDdeleteReplace a draft Studio Express video requestputRequeue a Studio Express video request by IDpostASSET ENDPOINTSOverviewGet All AssetsgetGet All Avatars.getGet a Single AssetgetUpdate an Asset PartiallypatchDelete an AssetdeleteCreate a New Asset (HTML form file upload)postCreate a New Asset (JSON base64 data)postCreate a New Asset (URL)postAVATAR ENDPOINTSOverviewCreate an AvatarpostGet AvatarsgetUpdate an AvatarpatchDelete an AvatardeleteAUDIO ENDPOINTSOverviewSynthesize SpeechpostRetrieve a collection of voices.getRetrieve a voice by ID.getCreditsRetrieves the ledgergetRetrieves the ledger itemsgetSUPPORTHelpFAQsPowered by Update an Asset Partiallypatch https://api.yepic.ai/v1/assets/{id}Update a specific asset partially by providing a JSON patch document.